Our Fleet
Fixed Wing

Lifeguard Air Emergency Services - UNM Hospital
The Beech King Air B200 is configured to carry two patients and has four additional cabin seats for medical crew members and family. This airplane is equipped with SkyTrac satellite tracking and communication, and the Raisbeck performance modifications. It also includes Raisbeck wing lockers.

Children’s Health
SevenBar owns and operates a Cessna Citation CE560 Encore. The Cessna 560 is a multi-engine turbojet configured for air medical operations and is capable of accommodating two patients, four medical crew members, and one family member.
Rotor Wing

SevenBar owns and operates the Agusta 119 Kx for Lifeguard Air Emergency Services equipped with Night Vision Google technology and a state of the art Garmin G1000 Integrated Flight Deck. The G1000 system is an integrated flight control system that improves pilot situational awareness.